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How a single touch on a button can optimize sales efficiency significantly: Ordering made easy with the Ploom Order Button.
bike courier with Ploom backpack
Ploom Button Prototype

Our customer JT International, an international corporation focusing on the production and sales of fast moving consumer goods, requested a solution to facilitate fast ordering of their products to support the launch of a new (tobacco) brand in his portfolio. The idea was to provide an IoT device to retailers that would allow them to order products swiftly and without having to log in to any order platform or even use outdated technology (fax, phone, print).

As the brand’s launch had been considered crucial for the corporation and was important to position our customer as a technologically advanced and innovative force in the market, going for a “Digital Trigger Device” – the Ploom Order Button – was evident.

The delivery method/logistic solution for the project was by bicycle courier. Vendors ordering products via the Ploom Order Button received their goods at the beginning of the following morning by a courier operating in their region.

The success of the Digital Trigger Device is based on its intuitive handling – from its plug&play installation to its timely maintenance. It provides corporations with a plug and play business solution for facilitating any kinds of services in a modern, straight-forward, convenient fashion.

Building the ploom button prototype
The combination of cutting edge technology, design and collaboration across regions has resulted in a website that offers a fantastic top-level user experience, localised content, supported by strong story-telling.
Building the ploom button prototype
We use a state-of-the-art combination of Storyblok, the modern headless Content Management System, and a React based frontend.


The Digital Trigger Device is at the core of a digital ecosystem and can smoothly be incorporated into any existing framework. It fits seamlessly into the usual management processes and does not require any specific infrastructure.

Updating and re-setting the Digital Trigger Device is easy. Firmware updates are possible anytime “Over-the-Air” (FOTA).

Everything needed is the user operating the device with a few touches of his finger. And to re-set the device to factory defaults and delete all stored data a long press is all that is required.

The RGB LED built into the Digital Trigger Device conveys the status of the action triggered in a fashion that is immediately graspable. It serves as a QUICK FEEDBACK for the user.

Facilitate fast ordering

The Digital Trigger Device was distributed at the A segment cooperating retailers (80) to support the high-class new brand.

The devices were installed directly on the shelf below the respective products by the trade marketers on their regular visiting routine. The delivery method/logistic solution for the case study was by bicycle courier. Vendors ordering products via the Digital Trigger Device received their goods at the beginning of the following morning by a courier operating in their region.

Opinion polls later conducted with the responsible trade marketers show that the installation process was perceived as easy and swift and no major issues were experienced.

Let’s Talk about your Ideas

Heiko Hoffmann

Heiko Hoffmann

Managing Director
