Wanna go for a walk? Take on a whole new experience – let this app guide you through the recultivated area of opencast mining.
Showcase Design App RWE Erleben


The natural habitats covered within this app are former opencast mining areas, which have been recultivated by RWE to make it a destination for leisure activities and recreation. 

Plan a weekend or day trip, enjoy nature and explore various tours by using exclusive maps and route navigation, which is not available on Google Maps or other services.

At specific spots of interest and view points you’ll get information about climate and pollution protection, sustainability and environmental responsibility, as well as natural resources, animals and the recultivation process in general.

RWE Erleben App Preview Tourprofil
Tour planning and navigation on the route through the Rheinische Revier via GPS tracking.
RWE Erleben App Preview
Hiking, cycling and riding routes through the Rheinische Revier with lots of exciting key data and information about the chosen route.
RWE Erleben App Preview
Interestingly prepared information u. a. on flora, fauna and the history of the region.
RWE Erleben App Preview Tour with Map
Overview and navigation to impressive vantage points in the Rheinische Revier.

A new kind of hiking experience

The "Experience RWE" app has been developed for iOS and Android devices. Content such as text, images, and geolocation data is maintained via the headless Content Management System (CMS) Storyblok and pushed to the app continuously, automatically informing users about updates without needing to install them from the stores.

The app also offers GPS-guided tours of various lengths and difficulties for families, hikers, cyclists, nature lovers, and those seeking relaxation. It also highlights impressive viewpoints around the hiking area.

Icon Responsive Design

GPS tracking for planning and navigation

Icon Webtools

Differentiation between routes and vantage points

Icon Restricted Content Areas

Quizzes and other tools to provide educational contents

Let’s Talk about your Ideas

Heiko Hoffmann

Heiko Hoffmann

Managing Director
